8/19/2019 2 Comments 8 Lessons I Learned from Building with LEGO Blocks Everyday for a Year: Lesson 8 Magictastically You
8/12/2019 0 Comments 8 Lessons I Learned from Building with LEGO Blocks Everyday for a Year: Lesson 7 Creative Magic Spaceships7. The only way to make your dreams come true is to take the time to dream and be willing to ask for what you need (and that’s freaking hard).
8/6/2019 1 Comment 8 Lessons I Learned from Building with LEGO Blocks Everyday for a Year: Lesson 6 Vulnerable Magic6. Working with whatever vulnerable feelings you have, instead of against them, is the way you truly honor and connect with yourself and others.
7/22/2019 1 Comment 8 Lessons I Learned from Building with LEGO Blocks Everyday for a Year: Lesson 5 Magical Layers5. You have to build layers of self-trust that will become stronger than the doubts and fears.
7/1/2019 1 Comment 8 Lessons I Learned from Building with LEGO Blocks Everyday for a Year: Lesson 3 Resisting Resistance the Magical Way3. Resistance is a real tangible thing that will try in every way imaginable to keep you blocked, but you can learn to work with it instead of against it.
7/1/2019 2 Comments 8 Lessons I Learned from Building with LEGO Blocks Everyday for a Year: Lesson 2 Magical Play2. Even if you are on the ground and building with blocks, you may not be playing. To play, you must let go, and be in the moment.
6/27/2019 3 Comments 8 Lessons I Learned from Building with LEGO Blocks Everyday for a Year: Lesson 1 Believe in Your Magic Words1. If your creative voice isn’t strong, and your inner critic is out of control, find and fill yourself with other courageous voices, and trust that you will learn by example.
10/20/2017 1 Comment Creativity Tip: 8 WAYS TO INCORPORATE FREE-BUILDING WITH BRICKS INTO YOUR LIFE AND WORKI shared these 8 tips in the learning fair at Brené's Courage Camp.
One tip was Daring Way™ Curriculum related so I exchanged that one for my upcoming e-course :) 10/16/2017 1 Comment Creativity and The LEGO Ninjago MovieI wasn’t dreading Ninjago, I knew it would have a story, and it literally, started with a story, the story of Ninjago.
10/11/2017 0 Comments Creativity and The LEGO Batman MovieHoly Vulnerability Batman Cue, another movie I was not jumping out of my skin to see.
Yes, The LEGO Movie completely surprised me and became a huge source of inspiration in my life, but I am just not that into superheroes. 10/2/2017 0 Comments Creativity and The LEGO MovieI can't begin to tell you how much this movie inspired me when I saw it.
And I didn't even want to watch it. I was not what one would call, a number one brick fan. I was at my 2nd Brick Fiesta, a LEGO fan convention with a public exhibition, and this story almost didn't happen because I thought it was already too late to enter the Master Builder Contest Game because I had missed Heat 1. My husband then kindly explained to me about preliminary rounds vs. final rounds, and thus our story begins.
11/1/2016 1 Comment Creativity Glitters366 Days of Building Creativity Week 44 in Review: October 28th-November 6th"May you let yourself off your own hooks,
and spend more time playing hooky and spontaneous dancing in daylight." Those words were sent to me today by Shiloh Sophia and are from her poem entitled "The Glitter From the Grit." 10/26/2016 2 Comments Creativity Review366 Days of Building Creativity Week 43 in Review: October 21st-27thWhere have you been?
Where are you going? I've started asking myself those questions as there are only 65 days left in the year. Yes, you know how many days are left when you are doing a daily creativity project :) 10/19/2016 1 Comment Creativity and Public Speaking366 Days of Building Creativity Week 42 in Review: October 14th-20thWhere do you allow yourself to be creative?
I realized this week that I had certain places I allowed creativity and then in some areas, I was still relying on my the old constructs of perfectionism I had constructed to try and keep me safe from criticism. Public speaking was one of those areas. 10/11/2016 0 Comments Creativity and Your Daily Life366 Days of Building Creativity Week 41 in Review: October 7th-13thHow do you go through your day?
When you are doing something, are you just trying to get through it, or are you thinking about the next things you need to do, or are you really trying to be present and enjoy the process you are in? For me, it's usually the former items. 10/4/2016 0 Comments Creativity Forgives366 Days of Building Creativity Week 40 in Review: September 30th-October 6thThankfully, creativity forgives.
It forgives me when I doubted I would be able to come up with enough creations for a whole year. In fact, it has decided to show me that through my daily commitment, I can now have multiple creation ideas daily. 9/27/2016 0 Comments Creativity is a Relationship366 Days of Building Creativity Week 39 in Review: September 23rd-September 29thYou can actually increase your creativity by working on it.
And I've been working on it. And it has been working on me. 9/18/2016 0 Comments Creativity Experiments366 Days of Building Creativity Week 38 in Review: September 16th-September 22nd"I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings. In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness. If you have built castles in the air, your world need not be lost; that is where they would be. Now put the foundations under them." My 2016 Experiment of building a LEGO creation everyday seems quite tame when I read about Thoreau's two year experiment of living in the woods simply.
9/15/2016 0 Comments Creativity and Soul Care366 Days of Building Creativity Week 37 in Review: September 9th-September 15thThis week was a raw and vulnerable week for me. Changes in what I've been eating and drinking have led me to recognize I try to comfort myself with what I put into my body more than I had even realized. Also starting a new training which was all weekend left me not recharged or ready for the week. So needless to say I've been experiencing a lot of the more uncomfortable feelings and my tear ducts have been getting plenty of action.
So this week, I've been learning I am a creative soul, and creativity is care for my soul. 9/1/2016 0 Comments Creativity In Layers366 Days of Building Creativity Week 36 in Review: September 2nd-September 8thIn the beginning, I had few LEGO® bricks.
Keeping my daily creations would have really limited my future creations so I took each one apart after I took my photo. It was day 51 that I first kept a creation around for a bit, the quote was about painting being unfinished and I heard that my creation may be unfinished. 8/29/2016 0 Comments Creativity Makes Rainbow Paths366 Days of Building Creativity Week 35 in Review: August 26th-September 1st"I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash I've gotten a new journal and it's changing my life because it's having me make goals in all categories of my life and get really clear on things. 366 Days of Building Creativity Week 34 in Review: August 19th-25th"We find ourselves caught in this cycle of keeping track of the wrong things. Keeping track of how many times we've been rejected, keeping track of how many times it didn't work, keeping track of all the times someone has broken our heart, or double crossed us, or let us down. Of course we can keep track of those things but why? Why keep track of them? Are they making us better? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep track of the other stuff. To keep track of all the times that worked. All the times we took a risk. All the times we were able to brighten someone else's day. That when we start doing that we can redefine ourselves as people who are able to make an impact on the world." I had a great chance to practice keeping track of the right stuff when a recent group I was offering didn't meet the minimum number to have a beneficial group experience.
8/18/2016 0 Comments Creativity Changes You366 Days of Building Creativity Week 33 in Review: August 12th-18thI wonder how this experiment would have been different if I was just free building every day without pulling an art quote first?
The art quotes are magical. They are like daily permission slips to take the time to do this experiment. They are my encouragers, my normalizers, my supporters, my allies. |
AuthorLee Ann Hilbrich is an author of three books, a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator of Brené Brown's work, a Qi Gong and Yoga Teacher, and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. She's also certified in Equine-Facilitated Learning.
January 2025
Daring Discoveries, PLLC
I abide by the Brené Brown Education and Research Group's Belonging Statement (Click Here to View) and am committed to inclusivity, equity, diversity, and belonging.