5/29/2018 0 Comments My 100 Day ProjectsI've been preparing and reflecting on where I've been, and thought I'd share with you the content of my past and future 100 day projects.
5/21/2018 0 Comments Tea Spirit of May 2018May 2018 “Cloud Temple” Fresh Spring Green TeaOne of my three creative endeavors I wanted to pursue this year was gardening. I’ve always loved the idea of a garden, I even go so far as to buy and plant things, but that’s usually where my participation in the process wanes. I may receive a few cherry tomatoes, but the plants stay small due to lack of nourishment and attention, and pretty soon it is a sad weedy mess. This year I swore to myself it would be different, which I’ve sworn before, but these year it truly has.
5/2/2018 1 Comment Tea Spirit of April 2018"Prairie Sky" 1990s Black TeaAccording to this month's Global Tea Hut Tea and Tao Magazine, Praire Sky is meant to be boiled in a pot, the oldest tea brewing method.
One of the origin of tea stories also shared is that a tea leaf fell down into a monk’s boiling pot of water as he was meditating, and thus man’s relationship with tea was formed. By boiling you can get so much more out of the tea I am told this month, and so I boil it. |
AuthorLee Ann Hilbrich is an author of three books, a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator of Brené Brown's work, a Qi Gong and Yoga Teacher, and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. She's also certified in Equine-Facilitated Learning.
January 2025
Daring Discoveries, PLLC
I abide by the Brené Brown Education and Research Group's Belonging Statement (Click Here to View) and am committed to inclusivity, equity, diversity, and belonging.