5/26/2016 1 Comment Creativity with Photos366 Days of Creativity Week 21 in Review: May 20th-26thYou may have noticed I've been branching out with trying to tell a story not only with the creations, but with how I photograph them.
1 Comment
5/19/2016 0 Comments Creativity When You Are Tired366 Days of Creativity Week 20 in Review: May 13th-19th & Days 134-140I've not wanted to build several days this week.
I've been busy, tired, and have too often left it until the end of the day, which is never good for me mentally. It was in those moments that I did it anyways, but at the same time I gave myself permission to do it differently, and I think in some ways it turned out more creative. 5/12/2016 4 Comments Creativity and Playing366 Days of Creativity Week 19 in Review: May 6th-12th & Days 127-133Okay, how to make re-writing this blog post that I accidentally deleted when trying to change the font size fun? Please leave comments and let me know :)
But I will go with the flow, and here we go! I have been inspired by a woman who works at a local yarn store. 5/5/2016 2 Comments Creativity and Protection366 Days of Creativity Week 18 in Review: April 29th-May 5th & Days 120-126 Day 124:
"Here stood a tangible symbol of the very meaning of working with intention - knowing both my gifts and my limits, my calling and my opportunities that need a 'no' and being at peace with understanding the difference. To give myself the time and freedom to create the best art, and to confidently turn down those roles and opportunities that aren't the best fit." -Tsh Oxenreider |
AuthorLee Ann Hilbrich is an author of three books, a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator of Brené Brown's work, a Qi Gong and Yoga Teacher, and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. She's also certified in Equine-Facilitated Learning.
January 2025
Daring Discoveries, PLLC
I abide by the Brené Brown Education and Research Group's Belonging Statement (Click Here to View) and am committed to inclusivity, equity, diversity, and belonging.