8/29/2016 0 Comments Creativity Makes Rainbow Paths366 Days of Building Creativity Week 35 in Review: August 26th-September 1st"I Can See Clearly Now" by Johnny Nash I've gotten a new journal and it's changing my life because it's having me make goals in all categories of my life and get really clear on things.
366 Days of Building Creativity Week 34 in Review: August 19th-25th"We find ourselves caught in this cycle of keeping track of the wrong things. Keeping track of how many times we've been rejected, keeping track of how many times it didn't work, keeping track of all the times someone has broken our heart, or double crossed us, or let us down. Of course we can keep track of those things but why? Why keep track of them? Are they making us better? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep track of the other stuff. To keep track of all the times that worked. All the times we took a risk. All the times we were able to brighten someone else's day. That when we start doing that we can redefine ourselves as people who are able to make an impact on the world." I had a great chance to practice keeping track of the right stuff when a recent group I was offering didn't meet the minimum number to have a beneficial group experience.
8/18/2016 0 Comments Creativity Changes You366 Days of Building Creativity Week 33 in Review: August 12th-18thI wonder how this experiment would have been different if I was just free building every day without pulling an art quote first?
The art quotes are magical. They are like daily permission slips to take the time to do this experiment. They are my encouragers, my normalizers, my supporters, my allies. 8/11/2016 0 Comments Creativity is Courageous8/3/2016 0 Comments Creativity Resists |
AuthorLee Ann Hilbrich is an author of three books, a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator of Brené Brown's work, a Qi Gong and Yoga Teacher, and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. She's also certified in Equine-Facilitated Learning.
January 2025
Daring Discoveries, PLLC
I abide by the Brené Brown Education and Research Group's Belonging Statement (Click Here to View) and am committed to inclusivity, equity, diversity, and belonging.