Daring Way Facilitators Rochelle and Lee Ann are joining forces again to bring you a retreat that is about one of their favorite topics: The Enneagram.
Rochelle on the Enneagram:
Rochelle first learned about the Enneagram in 2000 and became intrigued with it because it instantly impacted her understanding of herself and others (she is a Type 3). She read several books on the Enneagram over the next several years and finally became an accredited iEQ9 Enneagram practitioner in December of 2018. Since that time, Rochelle has used the iEQ9 assessment in a variety of ways to help individuals develop self-awareness and create a plan toward further self understanding and growth. She attended an inner healing retreat with Bea Chestnut in 2019 that deepened her interest in using the enneagram in her practice. She continues to study the Enneagram because she believes it is an insightful roadmap designed to help individuals intentionally move toward a higher essence of the self.
Lee Ann on the Enneagram:
As part of her training and development Lee Ann has taken a lot of personality tests, but discovering the Enneagram (she is a Type 5) was a game changer. It has given her so much compassion for herself and her wiring, and it is a lens she can use to understand and have more empathy with others. Applying it to her friendships and her marriage has made such a difference. In addition to reading books and articles on the Enneagram, being an avid follower of the Instagram account enneagramandcoffee, and encouraging everyone to learn about it, Lee Ann has also taken workshops on creative ways to work with your Enneagram Type.